Pig Datatypes
Numeric datatypes int Singned 32-bit integer Example: 8 (or) 5 (or) any number long Singned 64-bit integer Example: 5L (or) 5l float 32-bit floating point Example: 5.5F (or) 5.5f (or) 5.0f (or) any number with decimal (early version, recently float has been dropped) double 64-bit floating point Example: 10.5 (or) 5.0 (or) 1.5 (or) 1.5e2 (or) 1.5E2 (or) any number with decimal Non-numeric or Arrays datatype chararray character array(string) Example: 'karpagaraj' or 'hello there' or any string bytearray blob Example: any binary data Non-numeric datatype boolean true or false (case sensitive) datetime Example 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00 null unknown or data missing or any data element can be null. Complex datatype tuple ordered set of fields Example: (1,3) like that bag collection of tuples Example: {(1,3),(4,6)} map collection of tuples: set of key/value pairs Example: [k1#v1, k2#v2] atom any single value in Pig Latin, irrespective of their data, t...