Unix Overview

History of Unix In 1970, Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson's started devloping Unix in AT&T. 1972 they developed unix using 'C'. 1975 they spreads outside. (With free license and source code) Its an open source. Different flavours available at free of costs. Unix is case sensitive. Production versions only available in Unix. Linux Linux is a light weight version of Unix. Linux derived/Inspired from Unix. Linux is an open source but we have to get BSD license for using UNIX. Unix is not a open source. Also GNU license need for installing Unix. BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) GNU (GNU General Public License) Linux is journal purpose computer operating system. Originally build by Linus Torvalds and released in 1991. Linux is defined by its Kernal which is the core component of the system. It interact computer hardware to software for work. Here the software and OS will be free for free of cost and freely modifiable. (GNU General Public License) Linux is popular from ma...