Apache Spark Components

Apache Spark is an open source framework for real-time processing. Also it is a powerful big data tool and used for various big data challenges. Hadoop MapReduce is the best framework for processing data in batches. Spark could process data in real time and it is 100 times faster than Hadoop MapReduce in batch processing of large data sets. Spark is able to achieve this speed through controlled partitioning. We could process that partitioned data with minimal network traffic. Features Spark code can be written in Java, Scala, Python and R. Spark also supports and process structured and semi-structured data though Spark SQL. If it is absolutely necessary, then only spark will execute the code/function. This is called "Lazy Execution". Spark will be faster for processing the data because of its in-memory processing. Apache Spark is a separate tool and it has its own cluster. We can use Hadoop to implement Spark. Spark Components ...